Archbishop Temple Church of England High School prides itself on inclusivity. We look to support children to allow them to achieve their potential, and not to rest until we have done all we can.
At school one-to-one help is often available and resources such as iPads are utilised. Some pupils have Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and they have additional resources provided to help them overcome their difficulties. Lunchtime clubs are on offer to help pupils make friends, and a well staffed pastoral and support team offers in-class, withdrawal or study support interventions.
Wherever possible we try to ensure that pupils of all abilities study the whole range of National Curriculum subjects and are entered for all formal examinations they study for.
The multi-level nature of the site makes it very difficult for children with some physical disabilities to access the school. The land around is hilly, and changes in level within and around the school have been accommodated by the incorporation of steps. As of September 2021, the internal environment is largely inaccessible to wheelchair users. There is no lift or platform lift on site. Governors have commissioned an architect’s report suggesting ways to overcome these problems and hopefully to make the school more accessible within a five-year period.
Ms M. Shaw
Assistant Headteacher/SENDCO
SEND Documents
Break time survey UCLAN
SEND Survey
SEND Newsletter