For our young people to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and your child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for absence is unavoidable. Absence from school can affect your child’s progress and regular absence seriously disrupts their education. Any pupil’s absence disrupts teaching routines and may affect the learning of others in the same class. It is your legal responsibility to ensure your child maintains regular attendance in school and is not permitted absence without good reason. Furthermore, school attendance and punctuality data are detailed on references for further education, training and employment. 

Helping to create a pattern of regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility – pupils, parents/carers and members of staff. As parents/carers we expect you to ensure children attend regularly and punctually, contact the school on the first day of absence and very importantly, avoid holidays in term-time. Pupils should aim for 100% attendance, attend all school sessions punctually and follow the systems for late registration and appointments out of school.

In short, good attendance is pivotal to the success of all our pupils at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School, and is vital in achieving a full, enriched education. 

For further details please see the Attendance Policy. There is a clear correlation between poor attendance and pupil attainment so we aim to reward high attendance and high achievement.

It does not enhance pupil learning if pupils have holidays during term-time. No request from a Year 10 or Year 11 pupil for a holiday in term-time will be authorised. A a request for a term-time holiday from a Key Stage 3 pupil will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. However, no such holidays will be authorised if a pupil’s attendance is below 97%. The leave of absence form can be found below.


Updated: 02/09/2024 396 KB
Updated: 06/09/2023 114 KB

Mrs Bridges, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, contributed to a guide focussing on Emotionally Based School Avoidance. The guide has been created to support pupils at risk of missing school due to social and emotional difficulties. 

Emotionally Based School Avoidance: How to get persistently absent children back into school provides three action plans for schools to support primary and secondary school pupils at risk of avoiding school due to: 

  • Caring responsibilities at home
  • Bullying and friendship difficulties
  • Pressure to achieve in schoolwork and exams

It also features additional advice for supporting neurodivergent pupils. 

You can download and read the guide below. 

Emotionally Based School Avoidance: How to get persistently absent children back into school

Updated: 23/01/2024 360 KB