As we get into the festive spirit and the spirit of ‘giving’, we have decided to show our support for three local charities in their Christmas appeals: Rock FM’s Cash for Kids Mission Christmas, Local Animal Rescue centres and St Michael's Church Food Bank.

Each charity has appealed for specific items to support them during the festive season. These are follows:

Animal Rescue Centre: new dog, cat or rabbit toys, treats & food.

Rock FMs Cash for Kids Mission Christmas: new toys or gifts for children/young people ranging from babies through to secondary students.

St Michael's Church Food Bank: tinned fruit, tinned custard, sponge puddings, tinned meat/fish, long life fruit juice, coffee, tea, toiletries, washing powder/liquid.

We would appreciate any contributions you could make at this time of year to support these local charities. Representatives from each form/year group will be collecting contributions brought into school during form time each day next week. We will be delivering all we have collected during the last week of term.

In addition, we would like to request that where possible, pupils bring in a selection box/Christmas chocolate for our ‘Selection Box Bingo’ event on the last day of term. All donations for this, should be handed to Miss Cross.